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made me a promise i’d try
给我一个承诺我会尽力  detail>>
i promise, i promise
我答应,我答应  detail>>
promise me
答应我吧  detail>>
promise me this
向我承诺  detail>>
for he made me what i am
因为他造就了今日的我  detail>>
i guess my ego made me blind
我的骄傲却让我对你视而不见  detail>>
try me
尝试我  detail>>
i promise
我保证 我答应你  detail>>
and we made a promise
我们作出承诺  detail>>
you once made this promise
曾经你许下承诺  detail>>
i try
让我来(梅茜葛蕾) 我努力 我试试  detail>>
i will try
请你尽量放慢说话速度308 我会试试看  detail>>
no matter how i try and try
无论我如何努力又努力 无论我怎么努力 无论我怎样努力,  detail>>
i made it
我成功了 我做到了  detail>>
and if you try and look for me
如果你尝试着寻找我 如果你试着找我  detail>>
and try and stick me in the ground
然后试着把我杵在土中  detail>>
don’t try to find me
请不要试图寻找我 ,  detail>>
let me have a try
看我的  detail>>